Pink Icing

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

qwk msg

Didya miss me??

Phew, seem to have been very busy and completely out of touch.

Just to let you know that I am still around, haven't forgotton, will be back at the weekend.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

The Lodgers

oh dearie dearie me.....

They're baaack

The Lodgers


Well, scratching at the walls on a neighbours side but it's got me twisted round the bend at the prospect of having to deal with them again....and so soon.

Moving is definitely the only answer

This time I've requested that The Rat Man they send be over 12 this time.........

Work reasonable today, working from home tomorrow. Concerns about the US shares index, affects globally. Me personally with my work and house prices. Goddamn stupid Bush. Whatever your polictics he simply hasn't managed this at all. We all suffer the outfall of his actions. Stupid stupid man.

Grrr, he's a total fuckwit. Big corporations are far too clever for him. What a CV he has!

Hmmm, there goes my next US visa then........

Sunday, January 20, 2008

a week with a view

Has it really been a week??

Picture taken Sept 2005 in Limoges, France. Had a girlie week in France, remembered I had my lovely VW Golf at the time as well.....

Take a peek at the roof lines, how amazing is that??

Shitty week at work again, spoke to an agent and said, 'get me outa here'.

She's working on it. Busy weekend, lovely though. Caught up with friends. Ali and Dog stayed over, drank wine, Champagne and beer, ate masses, chatted loads - brilliant! Simon and Fletch brought my bike round and nestled it in the garage. Played lively games with The Boy whilst Darling Daughter joined in and laughed a lot. So good to see after recent events.

Did 2 work reports and no housework.........

Sunday, January 13, 2008

All muddled up

This picture doesn't have any relevance to what I'm about to write about, it's just that I thought I should use more pictures on the Blog. And as I am a universal paranoid woman about her image, I am reluctant to post any of me!!

This was taken 2 summers ago of Leatherhead High Street, the town where I live. Bustling eh???

Anyway, feeling somewhat paranoid that I am about to lose my job, with good cause to I might add, I have had a shitty weekend stressing about it all.

I shall be proactive and look for another job but I know what i'll do. I'll say 'poke your job' and buy a plane ticket and never come back.......

No not really....

Things are really tough at work and I don't know if I'm gonna get a chance to prove myself before 'they' say thank you and goodbye. The Construction Director was shown the door before he got the chance. If I could last til end of March I would have made significant changes and even if they said 'heave ho' it would have given me enough time to save at least a months salary!!

SO, enough of the 'poor me's'. What did I do this weekend? Well I never got to do the housework, washing or tidying.

Don't worry it's not really a slippery slope.....just freedom!

So I had lunch with an old friend, Dog, on Saturday. Not old in years particularly, old in friendship years. That was good. Sunday caught up with Karen H and Darling Daughter and The Boy

So how was your weekend??

Tuesday, January 08, 2008


This time last year I had come back from the States and was in shared digs. I do miss my flatmates but oooo no I do not miss the flat! This was the view from the flat this time last year.
Pretty! A light dusting. And fabulous as I didn't have to be at work so I could enjoy it.
It's raining and very very windy today......

Sunday, January 06, 2008

reflections in a mirror

January is historically a month for reflection and I woke with a hot sweaty jump early this morning. Not because some hunk was trying to engage me in a little bit of rumpy pumpy, or that the heating thermostat had surged, or that big ugly scary monsters were about to get me in my dreams. No. As usual, with no heating on and just a summer duvet for cover, my menopausal system I having been living with for the past 6 years overheats and won't allow sleeping for more than 3 hours without disturbance.

Not ideal but that's a whole different story......

Reflecting on matters and thinking about yesterday's post, I remembered why I started this Blog back in May 2005. Actually I didn't start it. 2 guys started it for me as a live diary to the web site they had also created. The whole thing was created as a tool for information and contact during a sabbatical I had planned.

I was pausing my demanding life and travelling across the southern states of the US, east to west, over 3 months....on a Harley....on my own.

The Blog, it was explained to me, would be a way to write a diary of my time so that my family and friends would know I was alive.

Well things have moved on considerably!!

After a number of complications, went to the US, loved it, wrote the Blog, came back. Still wrote the Blog, I think it kept something of my journey alive.

Today I have decided to continue with the Blog, apart from my Darling Daughter and The Boy, it's the one constant in my life. How its morphed to date is just as relevant to me now as the content back in 2005.

It is an exercise for me and if others read it then that's good as well. If some comment that's encouraging too.

The web site name ownership lapsed as did the hosting. As I didn't 'own' it I wasn't able to do much about it, or anything that I understood. I have now bought the name again and will look to put together a new site, one I control! What this will be about will prepare for the future.

For now, I'll keep going with the Blog........hope to see you again

for recent readers; why I remembered I like Blogging. Find these posts, Can't work out how to do the automatic link, sorry....

Saturday, January 20, 2007
Tour of Duty

Saturday, January 27, 2007
Afternoon tea at the Ritz

Saturday, January 05, 2008

Brief but not 'ing'

Time eludes me....

Thought I'd catch up and write a post but ended up surfing (hmm, does one actually 'surf' Blogs?) the Blogsphere.

All I can say at this point is 4 hours later I am writing a few lines here then running outside into the world to remember who I am!

It was good to catch up on Blogs I like, interesting to read some of their links and damn right royally weird to find random Blogs. I have to say some people are so far up their own backsides that I want to scream, and why on earth do people buy into it??

Lot of sad lonely people out there. My advice, such as it is, haul your bloody carcass out into the real world and MIX. A hello to the supermarket cashier would do you the power of good.

Anyway Muhd Imran, or is that the other way round? Apologies if so. Anyway he has 'tagged' me and I'll get that sorted shortly, just like all the other stuff I need to sort I know CJ........

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Parking chaos

What happened?? There I was drinking, eating, chattering, watching television, playing games then all of a sudden it's time to go back to work!! groan....

Christmas has been eventful - and not always good!

Well, I'm looking forward to the New Year, Lord knows it's gotta be better than the last one.......

On a separate note, I had a new neighbour move in on 22nd December. I thought as it was so close to Christmas I'd wait til the New Year to sorry....introduce myself. It seemed that an elderly lady had moved in on her own. She hadn't got any curtains up and I smiled, a lot, as I passed her window laden with heavy shopping bags, day after day. (Just how was I going to consume all this food..)

She never smiled back

I decided that she might have a little difficulty with her eyesight...

I continued to smile

As I struggled with the shopping bags, dropping the bag with jars of exotic pickles and chutneys, whilst forcing the wrong key in the front door, I had warm thoughts that my new neighbour and I would spend a couple of hours on a Saturday or Sunday morning chattering over cups of tea and homemade ginger biscuits, organising the world at large.

On the 24th, and feeling rather festive after visiting friends and singing carols at the local hospital, I drove into the development looking forward to watching a late film with a mince pie and cup of tea. (Sad but true....) What's this? Yet another car parked in my car bay??

I walk past New Lady and smile....just in case she can see me. I see a man slumped in a chair with a bottle and glass of red wine by his side.

I smile. Just in case New Man can see.

I figure they haven't worked out which is their car bay yet, particularly as the Slovakians have been parking in their spot for weeks as it was empty and my bay seems to be the only one that has a car that actually moves these days.

I make a mental note not to get bothered and will mention it in the New Year if they haven't worked it ou by then. Besides how lovely to have a nice old couple close by. I drift off again thinking of the pleasant chats we will have over the garden wall......

On the 26th Dec I go visiting then come home and find the car in my bay has moved so I zip in, secretly hoping I won't now have to explain to them. I would just like to introduce myself as their neighbour and have a nice chat, not introduce myself then say 'remove your fucking car you moron....!!'

Well that's what I figure it'll sound like if I have to explain it my car bay......

Today I take Darling Daughter and The Boy back to their house. The Boy enjoys the ride in Nannie's Car but declares:

'Noooo - no - go - Nannie's - house.'

'Oh dear Mother, I don't think he likes his house now'

'Go - Nannies - house - now'

'He probably misses CBeebies' (BBC childrens television channel)'

'Back - Nannie's - house'

'Cheers for that Mother, now my son doesn't want to live with me either!'

Fortunately Darling Daughter is laughing as she says this and I am most relieved as the prospect of living with The Boy 24/7 would bring me out into a cold sweat.......

I get back to my place and New Neighbour's car is parked in my bay again. I decide that I will leave a friendly little note on the car. Nah, that always seems a little cowardly and I don't want New Neighbours to feel awkward.

I tap gently at their door.

New Man answers

I sincerely hope my surprise is masked in my cheery 'Hello I'm Tanie, your neighbour and I wanted to welcome you both'

'Tanie, ah, right, mmm, hello. Hello'

'I would have popped by sooner but what with Christmas I thought you wouldn't want to be disturbed'

Eee gads what HAS happened to your ear.......

'Well Mum has been very busy, there's so much for her to do'

Erm have you had earings yanked off??

'Of course moving is a major upheavil and .........

Or has something bitten it off


'Oh, I see'

But I don't.....

'Mum has a lot of stuff she must do. Lots'

His hand is holding the door close to his side so I couldn't see into the apartment even if I wanted to.


And of course now he's acting weird I want to! Why hasn't New Lady come to the door? That's a bit odd isn't it?

What is this 'stuff' she has to do?

I decide to mention the car parking as New Man has burst my bubble of pleasant afternoon chit chats over the garden wall

'Is that your Renault by the way?'


'It's just that it's my parking bay, I believe yours is the one on the end next to the wall'

Pleeeeease don't let this deteriorate

'Yes I thought it was, I saw it had no 8 on the wall and figured it was Mum's'

'Right, well don't worry about moving the car today'

Phew this isn't too bad....

'Well I park where there's a gap okay'

Ahhhhh, mmmmm

'All the bays are allocated, one to each property. I suspect the red car in yours is your neighbour upstairs, they probably don't realise that anyone has moved in here'

Of course they do, they are just inconsiderate

'I'll park in another gap sometimes'

Oh good grief.....

I look at New Man. He is in his early 40's, bald, a bizzarely ripped ear, and helter skelter eyes.
I sigh. I was soooo hoping for a normal considerate neighbour!

2008 WILL be good, really it will......