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Saturday, January 05, 2008

Brief but not 'ing'

Time eludes me....

Thought I'd catch up and write a post but ended up surfing (hmm, does one actually 'surf' Blogs?) the Blogsphere.

All I can say at this point is 4 hours later I am writing a few lines here then running outside into the world to remember who I am!

It was good to catch up on Blogs I like, interesting to read some of their links and damn right royally weird to find random Blogs. I have to say some people are so far up their own backsides that I want to scream, and why on earth do people buy into it??

Lot of sad lonely people out there. My advice, such as it is, haul your bloody carcass out into the real world and MIX. A hello to the supermarket cashier would do you the power of good.

Anyway Muhd Imran, or is that the other way round? Apologies if so. Anyway he has 'tagged' me and I'll get that sorted shortly, just like all the other stuff I need to sort I know CJ........


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