Pink Icing

Sunday, October 30, 2005

The heat is on

More than ever I want to be in the US on that damn Harley.....

Work tomorrow, weekend too short. Why can't the working week be a more realistic 3 or 4 days? We surely need to create a realistic balance in order to achieve satisfactory lives don't we?

Ali's just come back from a week in Menorca, typical, wouldn't come away with me all bloody summer and then goes away during my first week back at work. It was just to torment me wasn't it sweetie....???

10 days to arrival of grandchild. Nat having a few complications but I shall be in attendance when she goes before the obstetrician this week. Look just try and convince me what a man understands about female hormones, pregnancy and the experience of giving birth? SOD ALL. No really, it's true. Just cos you can study and remember a load of Latin words for an exam means squiddly diddly. Until you can feel it do not try and tell me you know best.
NO, REALLY............. REALLY.

Washing machine not working, Nat's cooker gave up the ghost, can't find my digital camera, house looks like a Chinese laundry, unappealing new format on SHE magazine, drinking tea again, 'new' bed still gorgeous haven, found my favourite hairdresser & colourist again........

Thursday, October 27, 2005

Can't dance, don't make me....

Still struggling to think of a suitable diversion.

It can't be men; they are never a diversion always seem to be a bloody landslide....
It can't be gardening cos.....too much effort in the rain for something that isn't mine....
Could try househunting again......
Could try cooking.....
Could try Yoga......

Oh no....of course.....duh.....U turns.........

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

A woman of subsistence

So here I am, a working girl once again. Well...not that sort of working girl......

Don't think I can make it sound better!

Anyway, I've gone back to the same business, the business of construction. I do love it actually, lots of friendly builders and builders mugs of tea.

Oooh I yearn for riding that Harley in the warm. Think I might need help getting through the Autumn and Winter.............

I need a temporary diversion....and work is not it!!

Saturday, October 15, 2005

Working Girl

Oh dearie dearie me, I have taken the decision to become part of the ranks of the employed, well until the rescheduled trip date.

Oh dearie me.......

Very shortly it'll be back to hauling my carcass out of bed at 6am, travelling in rush hour, etc etc. Remind me why we do this? It's not just the money right???

Sunday, October 09, 2005

Charing Cross lounge bar

One of the best ways to enjoy an Autumn afternoon in London is with old, longevity not years naturally, friends. To facilitate the best ambience, a few bottles of pink champagne and an accommodating Napoli waiter always do it for me........

Ali, Steve and I were in full revelry. But oh dearie me, I appear to look a little too pink & a touch Chinese when sozzled.......

Limoges for beginners

Went to France for a week with Anne P and Shelagh No Labels recently. We drove down to Limoges and stayed in a very quiet village called Plazenet about 50 mins away. Think there were 12 houses, very rural and very French.

You will please note Anne P has managed to continue the art of shoe shopping in France. I think that the craft is genetic and all little girl babies have the 'I Must Buy Shoes' chip that is activated in their teens.

We then drove across the country to Beaune, always a favourite of mine. Will happily accept marriage (or a dirty weekend...) from the person who takes me to Hotel le Cep.

Not quite the break I had intended and then managed to come back with a nasty bug that took control of my body and its functions for far too long. I do indeed apologise to those people trapped in the Eurotunnel with me....................

Human Croquet

As the end of the Summer was fast approaching I gathered a few friends together to enjoy a few Pimms and afternoon tea.

A few Pimms later we were ready to play Human Croquet. But before all that I needed to master texting on my tiny weeny mobile phone.........

Thursday, October 06, 2005

60 seconds

Goodness, it seems an age since I wrote anything in the Diary page. Well lots of things have been going on - more on all of that later - will gather my thoughts, and three little coins. No drat that's something else isn't it........

Okay will catch up later, just want you all to know I'm still here, still in Surrey. Well had a sojourn to France. Came back with property details, divine petite fours and food poisoning........

Mmm yummy