Pink Icing

Monday, September 21, 2009

yukky is what yukky does

oh dear dear dear. I have a cold and I am far away from home....

My mummy can't even look after me as I have dispatched myself away from dad so he hopefully won't have to deal with fighting a cold as well as his Baddie Disease.

I feel yuk and will be expecting some payback for the Lemsips, Strepsils and lozenges....

Speak soon - I promise


  • At 4:31 pm, Anonymous CJ said…

    Where are you - sending virtual hugs xx

    Take Flu max plus - eases the symptoms quite well. That and honey and lemon xxx

  • At 10:24 am, Blogger Pink Icing said…

    oooh noooo, can't take, Flu Max. It has some sort of ingredient that makes my heart go boom boom boom....

    And not in a happy way!

    better now tho xx

  • At 1:23 pm, Anonymous CJ said…

    That sounds like a song for way back. Oh well I'm sure the honey and lemon with a tot of brandy will look aftr you well enough.


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