Pink Icing

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

space between my ears

tail end of cold, you know, the phelgm thing in the morning... Yep I know, disgusting

Keeping myself busy, but not quite yet productive. Making preparations for Christmas. Starting on chutneys this week. The pineapple chutney doesn't exactly look pretty, it better taste ok..... Christmas cakes next. And knitting and sewing inbetween time

Even I want to return to work now.....

I'm at home this week to make sure my germs are completely gone, then back down to the parentals.

Monday, September 21, 2009

yukky is what yukky does

oh dear dear dear. I have a cold and I am far away from home....

My mummy can't even look after me as I have dispatched myself away from dad so he hopefully won't have to deal with fighting a cold as well as his Baddie Disease.

I feel yuk and will be expecting some payback for the Lemsips, Strepsils and lozenges....

Speak soon - I promise

Friday, September 11, 2009

blue blue

Dad is still with us. Not able to eat very much so I guess his decline will also be a result of losing all the energy, vitamins, bulk etc from the food.

On a brighter note, I am busying myself with home baking & home crafting. Praps i'll post some pics..!

The Boy starts new pre school on Monday. It seems only yesterday he was a helpless little baby now he's an independant young boy who refuses his Mom's assistance on many things, knows his own mind, has favourite foods and loves to be active. He does however still want his Mom to snuggle him down to bed with a cuddle and 3 stories..... Darling Daughter is a great Mom

I also now have a shiny new bike. A very blue one! More gears than I have the faintest comprehension of their use. My bottom causes an eclipse to all those who follow....Oh yeah, it's a bicycle.......
