Pink Icing

Monday, May 29, 2006


No access to Internet for a while. Ghastly. Can't cope...........

Saturday, May 20, 2006

Little things

It's arrived!

The replacement battery charger for the camera.....

It arrived yesterday.......

Going to collect it later.......

Thursday, May 18, 2006

utter nonsense

So I'm back in the Library and feeling particularly frustrated. Even I know more about computers than these helpful assistants.......... Yep CJ that's a shock I'm sure! AND I'm about to pay 10p for a printout that's totally useless 'cos I'm too flipping nice to argue. Where's Karen L when I need her????

Waiting for the camera parts is taking sooooo long. Well I know it isn't really but you know what it's like when you're waiting for something?? Like Christmas and Birthdays. Well actually birthdays have been quite calm recently. The next one HAS to be fabulous........

It's only this year that I have realised that my grammar and knowledge of the English Language isn't as good as it should be. I think I've spent far too many years believing my own hype!!! Anyway I have taken to listening to BBC radio London and I have completely reversed my opinion of Vanessa Feltz. On radio she's knowledgable, witty, entertaining but more importantly, educated and makes me feel sadly lacking. I know she has a journalist background but this doesn't always mean anything does it.......

Actually there are a group of 50+ female journalists, clearly from the old school of Fleet Street, that have long bleached blonde hair, heavy black eye make up that really shouldn't be seen if they want their comments to be taken seriously. When I was in school and was 'forced' to help my Daddy in the office during holidays I don't remember any of them at all, just Marge Proops 'cos she scared me with her very old, severe look. Aaah rambling myself now, did I tell you Daddy used to work in Fleet Street??

Right once again the time issues have caught up with me - trying to sort out the printer and prattling on about nothing has now left me with 2 mins and 3 secs to write what I really wanted to say. Too late, next time...................

ps: I didn't mean that Karen L wasn't nice, far from it, just that she would have a lot to say about such a stupid action.

Saturday, May 13, 2006

Box 46

Having spent another unsuccessful Home Visit to bond with my worldly goods and locate Box 46, I have given up and asked The Boy's Father to assist me with the purchase a battery charger for my camera.

Not you must understand, am I in any way shape or form akin to the likes of David Bailey, Terry Wotsit, you know Faye Dunaways ex or the blondish news photographer woman. (good grief my brain is slipping through a sieve today) but I love having my own small detail of things that matter to me. And, heaven help us, I can share some with you again!

Having taken Sarah F (flatmate) with me to locate the box and failed (cos I couldn't remember which numbered box) a while back, then returned myself on 2 seperate occasions with said Box Number implanted in brain, I failed pathetically once more. Grrr.

All this huffing and puffing I decided was simply not worth the breath and sweat and I should therefore purchase a replacement. Good grief, £69.99 in Dixons (UK discount tv/pc/camera type store) in Leatherhead but £14.95 inc post direct from Japan on Ebay. Being the impatient person that I am I decided to get it from Dixons.....

Shocked? Yep so was I. Darling Daughter pushed me onto a chair with a mug of tea and The Boy so I could rethink the situation. Without much rethinking I asked The Boy's Father to do the necessary on the computer and I shall wait 10 days for it to be shipped or flown to me.

See I have learnt lessons. Now can I have a plane ticket to Miami please..........

Speak no evil

What on earth happened to silence in a library?????

In cars

I have dared to enter the cyberspace and witnessed many different Blogs. I say witnessed because I am truly amazed what is out there.

There are some hilarious sites - and not always intended to be. Many which are totally beyond my comprehension - copper kettles????? There are many sites that are simply too painful to continue with - yes they are boring in the 'sticky' sense of Cyberworlds but how can people have such empty lives that are devoid of human contact. What HAVE we done?

Well that wasn't what I came here to do this morning, I came here to recount some wonderful stories and adventures. Oh no, that's not true is it? I haven't bloody well gone yet!!!! Actually if I'm honest I have come into the library cos I can see when the lady from the downstairs flat goes out and I can park my car in the only available spot and not have to worry about it for a while. You really don't have to tell me I know what's happening to me....

Ha, there's boring honesty for you.

Well no I'm here I 'd better write something to fill my 27 mins and 11 secs..... Ah, the lady sitting next to me has just told me that it was 83 degrees in California yesterday. (Have made mental note to continue talking to her after session as she seems very nice American)

Must tell you about the very pleasant impromtu barbecue I went to last night. Karen and Simon L provided lots of scrummy nosh and Fletch played fabulous host. Oh girls his garden is perfect. Well not quite perfect for him, he'll always want to improve things but I as we ate, drank and got very merry on the raised decking at the end of his garden I couldn't help thinking how perfect it would be to sit in a chair, feet up reading a book under the sweet smelling honeysuckle.

Took Darling Daughter and The Boy to Epsom shopping yesterday. Had just a bit of trouble with working out how to put the push chair down to get into the boot. Hmmm I'm sure things were easier 20 odd years ago....... We broke for a little light refreshment in Cafe Rouge. The Boy simply loves all things mechanical already. Big red buses are clearly one of the best things in his life!

Spoke to Travelling Companion who regaled me with his off/on adventures of being Single White Male. I say off/on as sometimes he's so involved in sorting out his Dad's club that he is too knackered to do anything but tumble into his own bed. Enjoy

Bugger only got 6 mins left, got up to get a reference book that caught my eye. Damn.

Ah well have a good weekend you lot. I know I will


Clearly I was so outraged that I simply had to tell you twice.....!!!!!

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Public Outposts

Here I sit, in a very public Library. The machine is slow and I am paranoid of Big Brother. What the heck it matters I've no idea. Who cares if they track my Site, maybe that's more hits on my counter.....

I almost skipped into the Library building. Now fitted into a series of side rooms from the original magnificent building that now houses weddings and birth/death registrations. It's not all about money you know, the arseholes that made the financial decision clearly never sat in the great panelled rooms reading Milton. What does it tell us as a society? Why even have the blessed books? The poor things are vying for attenion, desperate for us to devour their wisdom. But it's hard. Hard when they are squished into a series of forgotton rooms and overseen by a group of....well be careful Tanie...errm, community helpers.

Anyway that aside I have now only got 23 mins 13 secs left on my credit for the computer.

Oh how the mighty fall........
post script:
Dear God, why must I suffer so? Is it really really necessary? I have learnt many lessons. There is no humility left to offer surely.

Public Outposts

Here I sit, in a very public Library. The machine is slow and I am paranoid of Big Brother. What the heck it matters I've no idea. Who cares if they track my Site, maybe that's more hits on my counter.....

I almost skipped into the Library building. Now fitted into a series of side rooms from the original magnificent building that now houses weddings and birth/death registrations. It's not all about money you know, the arseholes that made the financial decision clearly never sat in the great panelled rooms reading Milton. What does it tell us as a society? Why even have the blessed books? The poor things are vying for attention, desperate for us to devour their wisdom. But it's hard. Hard when they are squished into a series of forgotton rooms and overseen by a group of....well be careful Tanie...errm, community helpers.

Anyway that aside I have now only got 23 mins 13 secs left on my credit for the computer.

Oh how the mighty fall........
post script:
Dear God, why must I suffer so? Is it really really necessary? I have learnt many lessons. There is no humility left to offer surely. You have my shoes, bed, home and soon my car, what more? What was that, my will? NEVER. Amen.....

Saturday, May 06, 2006

A very Harley Experience

Eve & Vinden have moved to Brussels, Ali & Roger plus 12 or so friends and family are in Cuba (again), Sandra F is in New York (ok so it's business) and Sarah is in France.

What do you think about me doing the journey al la Billy Connelly; on a Harley Trike? No seriously, I am considering this. Simon L mentioned it on my birthday, as a piss take I suspect. It would mean no effing U Turns to fret about though and I could take some luggage. Or rather buy shed loads when I'm in the States. So many many States........

I will indeed continue with obtaining a bike licence cos I want to be able to ride a big bike. But does the trip have to be on one? Could this be an acceptable compromise?

Come on all of you, give me your thoughts.
  1. I will have a more comfy ride across all those thousands of American miles
  2. I can take luggage
  3. I will still feel the wind in my hair
  4. I will be less likely to fall off a Trike than a Bike
  5. Darling Daughter will be happier
  6. I don't need a Bike licence to ride it (I think!)


  1. I'll look a prat