Pink Icing

Thursday, May 18, 2006

utter nonsense

So I'm back in the Library and feeling particularly frustrated. Even I know more about computers than these helpful assistants.......... Yep CJ that's a shock I'm sure! AND I'm about to pay 10p for a printout that's totally useless 'cos I'm too flipping nice to argue. Where's Karen L when I need her????

Waiting for the camera parts is taking sooooo long. Well I know it isn't really but you know what it's like when you're waiting for something?? Like Christmas and Birthdays. Well actually birthdays have been quite calm recently. The next one HAS to be fabulous........

It's only this year that I have realised that my grammar and knowledge of the English Language isn't as good as it should be. I think I've spent far too many years believing my own hype!!! Anyway I have taken to listening to BBC radio London and I have completely reversed my opinion of Vanessa Feltz. On radio she's knowledgable, witty, entertaining but more importantly, educated and makes me feel sadly lacking. I know she has a journalist background but this doesn't always mean anything does it.......

Actually there are a group of 50+ female journalists, clearly from the old school of Fleet Street, that have long bleached blonde hair, heavy black eye make up that really shouldn't be seen if they want their comments to be taken seriously. When I was in school and was 'forced' to help my Daddy in the office during holidays I don't remember any of them at all, just Marge Proops 'cos she scared me with her very old, severe look. Aaah rambling myself now, did I tell you Daddy used to work in Fleet Street??

Right once again the time issues have caught up with me - trying to sort out the printer and prattling on about nothing has now left me with 2 mins and 3 secs to write what I really wanted to say. Too late, next time...................

ps: I didn't mean that Karen L wasn't nice, far from it, just that she would have a lot to say about such a stupid action.


  • At 11:09 am, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Tell us a story


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