Dear All
Well it sure seems some time since I got a computer to use. Almost forgot how to use the thing....
I am in the midst of packing and moving - again - and will have all my 'stuff' around me once again. That also means an Internet connection - yippeeeeee....
For now I'm back in the library next to smelly people.
No, one of the 2 people on my left has a huge BO issue and it's almost unbearable........I need to feel centered again and getting my stuff outa storage will be a huge relief. The move is on the 17 and 18 Feb. Cleaning on the 17 and moving on the 18. Once again the very fabulous
Martin and
CJ and offered themselves as chief removal men and I have gratefully, and swiftly, accepted!!! Shouldn't be too bad this time as it's all packed and one way so to speak. Just all to come out of a storage box and into a tiny 2 bed appartment. I'm sure it'll go without hitch.....
Went to Cornwall for a break, stay with the family and buy some cheap wool at Trego Mills. Suddenly decided to begin knitting again. Definitely have too much time on my hands..... (phew it was the man next to me, he's just got up and the smell was so strong it made me gag..) I got to my parents about 6pm and had a good time catching up and giving them part one of my last US trip. Sadly by 9pm the following evening I was embroiled in an enormous row with my
Father and left, stopping briefly to change out of my pj's. I don't seem to be able to put up with crap of any description these days.........
So I got to go to the local craft market again on Friday. Bit of a let down. I took
The Boy with me, kept him in his pushchair, wrestled at the cake stall for 2 packets of fairy cakes then made a bee line to
The Boy's Friday play group.
The Boy clearly knew the ropes and, at 15 months, lead me into the right room down a long yellow walled corridor. As I opened the door a swirling mass of complete chaos hit me. Adults, all women save one man, milled around talking to each other. 2 young pretty women sat with their feet up on little chairs at the plastercine table chatting and laughing, ignoring anyone who tried to join in. Toys and children were scattered everywhere and no one seemed to be 'in charge'.
The Boy just rushed off to see what he could find, a bit like a butterfly, not really stopping too long anywhere. As he handed me a limp pink dolly I realised that all the children were doing the same.
This frightened me.
A kindly lady came up to me and offered me a mug of tea, which I gratefully accepted.
The Boy decided against sitting at the snack table with most of the others. Perhaps it was the tiny cut up bananas, rice cakes and bread sticks. Maybe it was the apple juice. I think it was the fact that there wasn't anywhere for him to sit easily. Adults bums take up a lot of room on tiny little chairs around low tiny tables!
I was starting to feel words bubbling up to the surface......
Darling Daughter(
DD) had entrusted
The Boy in my charge earlier that morning with a very clear command, that I do not do anything that would make it difficult for
The Boy at playgroup. Well......what would you have done?????
I let that pass. Boy was that difficult but I decided that I couldn't face the wrath of
DD as well this week! Without any warning the adults began to clear the room of all the toys. It didn't seem long enough for the children really but hey what did I know. Continuing to feel like a proverbial square peg I put my coat on and tried to corral
The Boy. Again without any warning all the adults scooped up the children into a big circle.
Geez how DO they do it? Communicate I mean. Have they got tiny little transmitters in their ears? Nah, they'll be in the huge ridiculous collection of diamond rings they're all wearing on their wedding fingers. Why don't they speak to the children? Have they got the transmittors too??
Ah no this is something I can do. Nursery rhymes. I just love singing and dancing to them. Ah okay we just go round and round sing 'ring a ring a rosy' then??!
Stop, no. I simply can't have all this. What on earth is going on.........
The Boy hasn't shown any interest in the Nursery Rhyme Circle after one turn. I decide to make some exaggerated movements and
The Boy grins at me like he knows exactly what I'm up to and he totally approves. More like he knows what comes next as he knows I do this with him all the time and don't mind in the slightest making an idiot of myself.......
Nanna extends the exaggerated movements, laughs and words and the children copy, laughing as they follow.
The Adults do not.
Nanna engages all the children with direct eye contact making sure they all understand and feel they are part of the group.
With the Nursery Rhymes over
The Boy wanders to the door, I open it and he runs straight to his pushchair and climbs in. I am not sure that this action is good. The other children are still inside the hall. Perhaps he's tired. I hope he's not tired of
Nanna! Perhaps he thinks we should leave 'em wanting more.........
Either way we're outa there. I push him back to see
DD and gratefully accept a cup of tea to go with one of the little fairy cakes as she asks me how did it go. Stuffing the cake into my probably very big mouth I nod my head in a 'yeah it's okay' fashion. We say no more about it.........