Wednesday, September 14, 2005
A Very British Day Out

These pictures are taken at Polesden Lacey today. Only a handful of cars in the car park and 3 of them were eating and reading papers by their cars. Not sure if they realise that there are acres of beautiful landscaped gardens for them to explore. Should I have said............
Monday, September 12, 2005
Moving on isn't really hard to do

It was lovely to catch up with many of the old Crew on Friday night. We were out and about to wish Suzanne and Linda all the best for pastures new. Both girls worked at Linden Homes and I worked with them whilst I was there. As a designated driver for a few people I was on the orange juices and taking lots of pictures.
Most of the pictures would be unfair to publish but I felt this lovely one of Linda (left) and Suzanne at the end of the evening had to be shown.
Good luck you two, wishing you every success in your continuing career as you move from strength to strength.
Sunday, September 11, 2005
Hold the front page!

Many of you may well remember that a short while ago Leatherhead was voted, and hit the National media, as the 'Worst High Street in the UK'. I have to say despite the efforts of goodness knows who, the town remains pretty grotty. Who are the people that decide the way forward?
The Faceless Few have, in my lowly opinion, no vision, empathy or understanding of architecture, history or business. They are strangling the very core. Having time on my hands right now I am seeing the destruction on an almost daily basis. We have, and had, some wonderful architecture that has been swallowed up by vacuous and barren Powers That Be.
The pictures on this post are not meant to be technically clever shots, they are simply meant to depict what I saw sitting on the edge of a cafe in St Omer square. Despite the cars parked all around there is a feast to see and feed ones soul. There were more picturesque cafes to sit at, ones with stunning views, but the point is they ALL have a view despite the position. Next week I shall show you the Leatherhead equivalent.
I personally don't understand, nor want to, the divide between the English and French. My opinion is that they they, like so many races, have wonderful things to teach us. So please please let's return to Europe and leave the American hype to the Yanks who do it so well.
** for those that aren't that computer literate, click on a photo to enlarge then click on the icon on the bottom right hand side to further enlarge. That way you will see the detail of the skylines and the street of the square.
Friday, September 09, 2005
What's in a name?

I was just upstairs in the dressing room (no really, entire top floor, seriously out of hand...) deciding what to eBay and car boot and sat with a selection of stuff that required David Bailey's brilliance to portray and suddenly realised....... I AM NOT READY TO PART WITH ANYTHING YET........ No not a thing, not even a scarf.....
Anyway, thought I'd show you girls and shoe fetishists a small selection of my current favourites. They are all Stuart Weitzmans, with the exception of the brown suede and wool lined mules by Coach and the strappy navy sling backs by Christian Lacroix. I am wearing the wedge heels most of the time, well it is summer and just feel raunchy when I'm in my red shiny 'fuck me' shoes. Just remember, the red moc croc are my 'don't fuck with me' shoes.....
And sadly I have a sneaky feeling that the print sling backs were worn by Kat Slater on Eastenders during her reign behind the bar...oh God how tragic. Although I did see them on a woman in Rick Steins restaurant with a matching handbag. Never worn them since but they remain a favourite, must be the Bet Lynch in me........
As I am clearly NOT David Bailey (is he still alive...?!) I have totally got the wrong angle, I realise that I shouldn't have been looking down on them. Reason being you don't get an idea of how high the heels actually are, the Coach mules are soooo high.
Okay okay, so I need to get a job again, clearly too much time on my hands...........
Monday, September 05, 2005
Alternative Reading Festival

Are you sitting comfortably? Well I have a little Fairy Tale to tell you all for bedtime.
Once upon a time in a parallel universe there was a nasty man called Michael Rangos who ran a company called ''. Mr Rangos registered the Company with Companies House to make it a real bonafide company, totally dobefido. When this was done Mr Rangos then set about finding people to help him with his new company. Because Mr Rangos had an idea that he thought would make him very wealthy. And lo and behold mortals, he managed to sustain an indecent living.
You see Mr Rangos and '' sell tickets to people for all manner of events that have sold out, naturally attaching a charge for passing on tickets. Now he is in business after all, and his charges are plain for all to see. Therefore people absolutely willingly pay hard earned money to Mr Rangos and '' to acquire things like, day tickets for Reading Festival this year. Now boys and girls, you have all heard about nasty rude and bullying people, well the idiotic thing is that if these people actually applied all the efforts that they use to do evil deeds with, to running a legitimate business, they would be far more successful than they profess to be.
Well everybody I find Mr Rangos and his registered company very unpleasant. Do you know what they do? They take your money for events and never ever present you with any tickets.
In real life the real Mr Rangos and his real company has taken money from me and not presented me with the tickets I purchased from them for Reading Festival. Under the eyes of the law that is most definitely fraud.
But the moral of this tale boys and girls is that very unpleasant things happen to very unpleasant people..................
So I can't bring you pictures of Natalie, Alex and I at Reading Festival tapping our feet to Queens of the Stone Age but I can bring you the next best thing; Tanie, Natalie and Alex with the Queen at Windsor. Okay so she wasn't there, and if she was I didn't get an invite but it was a link after all...........