Pink Icing

Saturday, July 22, 2006

No sun no rain

Have nil by mouth...

Nothing to say.....


No time......


Even retail therapy didn't work..........


What can I say

This enthralling quest overcoming seemingly impossible tasks is pretty tough.........................

Saturday, July 08, 2006

A hard days night

Ah ha, the Library once again. I'm trying in earnest to ignore all around me. Well let's hope that the pongy man who keeps leaning over me to reach a book will read this, cease and desist. I can not believe that in this entire collective of rooms he HAS to have the ones right next to me. Mmmm, let's see what they're about.....

LAW....Law and the Family, Law of Tort (??) Land law, Labour women, CIA: A history, Plato The Republic, Treason at Mastrict......

Oh blast, trouble with me, i get soooo distracted by all the books. Just have to know what Law of Tort is. Excuse me for a mo.

Apparently a tort is a civil wrong in the sense that it is committed against an individual rather than the state. The gist being that a person has certain interests which are protected by law. Well there we are, perhaps there's a positive to this Library nonsense.........

Okay, 15 mins left.

It seems that everywhere I go I am surrounded by pressure. STOP, STOP NOW.......

Today I have a sore throat. It appeared on Thursday and is not going away and I fear I might have to see a doctor for a few antibiotics. I feel ill. I want to be cocooned in my £3,000 bed with its cool, crisp linen, not in my room on a cheap bed that who knows who has slept on. Oh I want to be 12 again and have my Mummy come and fuss over me, bringing me Lucozade, comics, chicken soup and soggy white sliced bread, knowing that she's busy downstairs baking little cakes for later.

I have pooled resources with Flatmate Sarah and we have ordered a Riverford Medium Organic Box and a Summer Box this week. I was soooo looking forward to its arrival. I could even say 'hello' to the delivery man as a legitimate owner. The day it arrived I was 'outa town' but the fridge is brimming with goodies that I will create summer menus with later as I step into my guise as Tatania, Domestic Goddess and Mother Earth.....

(eek I sound delerious, think I may have a temperature...)

Right off to buy my own Lucozade, trashy magazines and some Heinz chicken soup now......

Saturday, July 01, 2006

Too little too late

Returned to the library once again - whistle stop tour as I only have 9.5 mins left. They close shortly and I only had 15 to begin. Babble babble babble. Phew, bo wafting fronm the book trolley dollies.......

Been in Cornwall, not best visit I've ever had. More on that later. Updates on Monday.

I wonder whether I can bring a cup of tea into the Library? Do hope so, not as if I need to bring in a picnic. Crumbs falling into the keyboard would be highly inconvenient.

Very hot in Surrey, England...and a drought.....

Little shrivelled up me is off to the river to dip my dainty toes. Well okay in my mind they're dainty and as I won't have my glasses on I shan't see anything different either.