He's still here.....

You know that distraction I was rambling on about? Well it happened, it came and it stayed......
Very few people can surely resist the charms of a newborn. I am overpowered by love, worry and devotion to this little scrap who has joined our small family unit. This little boy already has me wrapped around the proverbial little finger. There really isn't anything I wouldn't do for him.
It is however, fabulous to go to sleep at night knowing that his Mummy and Daddy are there to look after his needs. No sleepless nights for Nanna then.....????
He looks like he is contemplating life in his new surroundings in one of the pics. Now young man you really do like staying with Nanna and besides Nanna loves all those shopping excursions for gorgeous little clothes. Rather like the little French number you have on in the same picture........
Work? Oh yeah the distraction from spending time with my Grandson.......