Pink Icing

Monday, December 29, 2008

Nothing at all

I have discovered that, whilst I confess to a large shoe collection that Imelda Marcos would approve of, I find myself lacking the 'right' shoes for right now.....

I have taken to requiring flattish comfortable shoes. Me. All nearly 5ft of me.

Since my operation on my thumb earlier this year I have felt unsteady on skyscrapingly high heeled shoes. And unfortunately since putting on weight many of my shoes and boots no longer fit or look right. I refuse to wear comfy Granny shoes but I am not far from waivering toward a pair of spring soled lace ups........

I have been wearing my Merrills with track suit bottoms for some time and now that the weather is cold and I have a yearning to wear a skirt again, Merrills simply aren't suitable.

So the burning question is can I actually find what I am looking for? Probably not and I will end up with a few pairs of 'almost there' shoe and boots.

Enjoy your day - I certainly will


  • At 2:30 pm, Blogger Muhd Imran said…

    You and Wifey should pair up and go shoe shopping, because that is the scariest outing I will ever have.

    I can cycle for miles, but I get tired easily after going into the hundredth shoe store and not finding the perfect one still.

    On the good note, I always survive the hunt with or without shoes to be taken home after the end of the day.

    Well, put your best foot forward cause the New Year is only a couple of days away.

    Happy New Year!

  • At 2:16 am, Blogger Muhd Imran said…

    2009 in Singapore.



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