Pink Icing

Monday, November 10, 2008

the tooth fairy

oh yippee doo

I'm in a panic! I am running outta time to pack up and move. Grrrr

I do this in life. leave everything to the last minute

Actually I only do that if I am not scared

So that's most of the time...........

I went to the new place with a friend of mine on Saturday and we spent one hour trying to work out what furniture I would be able to fit in and where. I felt enormously relieved as I am dreading the move actually. I am making a big decision to clear the path to allow me to be in a position to have a stab at writing.

This probably also means really cheap holidays if at all..........Oooh gawd.....

Now there's a travel book. 100 countries and $50...............


  • At 9:11 pm, Blogger Crashdummie said…

    a new start, where the possibilitties are, well, infinite...

    good luck!

  • At 12:30 am, Blogger Pink Icing said…

    Crash - thank you. I feel a need to keep going

  • At 3:40 am, Blogger Muhd Imran said…

    Congrats to the new you!
    Yes. Endless possibilities ahead of you. Very happy for you.


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