love songs
Do you remember me talking about the Meathead that lived upsatirs? The one walks around in a tight vest, spray tan and very pumped up muscles, with Gods Gift stamped on his forehead??
Anyway he lives upstairs with Young Blonde Air Hostess(YBAH)
Well he 'lived' upstairs...
It would appear that, after many loud arguments, he has left YBAH. Not with another girlie you understand, he should be allowed to have female friends, there's nothing in it, YBAH is neurotic and jealous.
The walls really are paper thin
YBAH is clearly a short haul air hostess. She often leaves at 5am and comes back in the evening. Sometimes YBAH is away overnight. Actually I couldn't be sure of her times but she does have irregular comings and goings.
Since our confrontation over parking Meathead and I haven't spoken. And if he walks passed me he adopts a superior, hard man manner. It makes me giggle.
I've heard him on the toilet.
YES our walls really really are that thin.......
After much door slamming, screaming, 'fuck yous' and glass smashing, Meathead walked out Only to return when YBAH was out a few days later accompanied by his 'friend', on his arm, to collect a few possessions. This has all naturally had quite an effect on YBAH.
We've had the smashing and throwing of china and things phase
We have had the shouting down the phone phase
And we've had the hoards of friends visiting at all hours to hear YBAH pour her heart out time and time again phase
We have begun the crying, howling and quiet sobbing phase
I came home tonight thinking I would pop upsatirs and offer tea and an ear if she ever needed it
We now have to endure the 'playing one cd single of very loud melancholy music' over and over and over again phase.......
The single that was 'their song' phase.....
Who the fuck gives a shit.
I am no longer sympathetic YBAH.
Stop the music already
Close your windows
Put a pillow over your head before I do it for you.......gggrrrrrr
Anyway he lives upstairs with Young Blonde Air Hostess(YBAH)
Well he 'lived' upstairs...
It would appear that, after many loud arguments, he has left YBAH. Not with another girlie you understand, he should be allowed to have female friends, there's nothing in it, YBAH is neurotic and jealous.
The walls really are paper thin
YBAH is clearly a short haul air hostess. She often leaves at 5am and comes back in the evening. Sometimes YBAH is away overnight. Actually I couldn't be sure of her times but she does have irregular comings and goings.
Since our confrontation over parking Meathead and I haven't spoken. And if he walks passed me he adopts a superior, hard man manner. It makes me giggle.
I've heard him on the toilet.
YES our walls really really are that thin.......
After much door slamming, screaming, 'fuck yous' and glass smashing, Meathead walked out Only to return when YBAH was out a few days later accompanied by his 'friend', on his arm, to collect a few possessions. This has all naturally had quite an effect on YBAH.
We've had the smashing and throwing of china and things phase
We have had the shouting down the phone phase
And we've had the hoards of friends visiting at all hours to hear YBAH pour her heart out time and time again phase
We have begun the crying, howling and quiet sobbing phase
I came home tonight thinking I would pop upsatirs and offer tea and an ear if she ever needed it
We now have to endure the 'playing one cd single of very loud melancholy music' over and over and over again phase.......
The single that was 'their song' phase.....
Who the fuck gives a shit.
I am no longer sympathetic YBAH.
Stop the music already
Close your windows
Put a pillow over your head before I do it for you.......gggrrrrrr
At 9:05 pm,
Pink said…
Lol. Much as I sympathise with you, I gotta say that men can sometimes be very cruel in a breakup, and we women can be far too long suffering.
Hang in there - get some earplugs?
She'll find herself a new muscle man - then you'll be listening to her moaning ;)
Thanks for stopping by - funny - my 'real' name is also very similar to yours!
At 3:30 pm,
Anonymous said…
What would really get her goat would be if you invited "him" over for dinner and then had sex with she could hear!
Oh gosh sometimes I can have such evil thoughts!!!! :o)
At 9:35 am,
Pink Icing said…
P - Oh I know they can, believe me, I have got that one pinned and medalled.
PP - Ha! Yeah that WOULD be an evil deed....
At 8:33 am,
Dave Hill said…
Ha ha you write some funny thing on here and its a joy to read your thoughts.
As for meathead we have 20 of them here working .
Alot of working days are lost because of break downs in relationships and some of the storys you hear would make your toes curl...
As for air hostess up stairs tell her to put a walkman on or mp3 player...
At 10:11 pm,
Wendy said…
She's really being a very inconsiderate neighbor. i say you call the cops on her. Or something.
At 8:11 pm,
Pink Icing said…
ooooh you won't believe it. She's only gone and taken him back! They have been ensconced upstairs for 2 days now. Not a sound, not a peep.
Can't say I'd be that quiet if I had a man in my apartment....
I hope they're not dead!
HAppy Valentine's Day!!!
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