Pink Icing

Sunday, May 13, 2007

post script

This is one of my favourite pictures from my Hawaii (How do you spell it??) Birthday Party - you know - the big five 0!!
Elaine is in the foreground - she has just returned from a trip to Egypt and had a bit of trouble with her legs but was determined to come. I was so happy to see her, she's fabulous.
In the background is Neil, my surrogate Dad and pastor who has spent much of his, and indeed my life, encouraging me to embrace Christianity. It's just my darn will that gets in the way.......
On the TV right now is, 'Never Mind The Full Stops' (BBC 4). How fabulous dahlings. A programme all about grammar, language, dialect etc.
Hurrah for keeping it alive.........
Ahem, am actually supposed to be writing a blinking report but well.......need a is Sunday evening after all. Not that this report should have been issued Friday before last comes as any of the reasons why I just can't sleep these days......