Pink Icing

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Alice's restaurant

Dear UK
Definitely the morning after the night before.......

This town knows how to party

Now whilst I'm happy to find solace on this solid chair in a cool Internet Cafe I'll stay awhile and tell you what's in my head. Finally took pictures yesterday, now just gotta work out how to upload to the Blog.....ooooo not this mornings job....

Hmmm, not much in my head but cotton wool. Bit like the weather here, 8.30am and hot, humid and overcast.

Spent the day with Mike, Flight Attendent and Glen, Customer Service Senior Manager. We headed down towards a beach and caught up with Sherry (I think!!) who cooked us lunch and made us rip roaring frozen cocktails. Does this town ever stop partying????? Needless to say we missed getting to Hemmingways house, not to worry cos we seem to be carrying on in at least one of his traditions........

In the evening we took a stroll to Mallory Square and I saw my first real Key West sunset. Wow, can't really describe it but it is definitely one on things to do before you die. The square descends into a party atmosphere, no surprise there then, and we slowly winded our way to the other side, the old port and had shrimp and beer in Turtles Bar. Think it was called Turtles, maybe it wasn't. oh blast, will remember later. Oh yep and I tried Conch Chowder. Yuk! Eeiow, not for me. Fresh shrimp was good though. Trying to try most things but couldn't bring myself to have Dolphin. Isn't that outlawed now?? Thought they were a protected species and all that.

We sat eating and drinking into the night and completely forgot to get to the Drag Show. Ah well, tonight maybe. I love this 'there's always tomorrow' feeling. The guys have just booked in for another night, they're really good fun and such a bad influence...... Mike has taken to saying 'lovely' a lot now. Apparently my influence, didn't realise I said it so much!! They live in Cinncennati, oh bugger, how is that spelt, oh well you know where I mean. Maybe we'll get to the show tonight...............

Would quite like to find Camilla's before I move on, supposed to be lovely breakfasts.

The B&B has filled up for the weekend, lots of tanned, taut gay men and, I can barely say it, a family!!!!! Well I say family, my God, they're a picture. I think it's the sort of family that receives handouts from the state and should be called the hill billies or something. Oh shut up what do I care, it's not snobbish, just statement of almost fact.......

Actually I'm only moaning cos the Inn is adult only and the big fat white Momma with white straw hair and brilliant blue polyester tent dress has an objectionable obese ginger haired brat that dived bombed into 'my' pool when me, Mike and Glen were in it just hanging and they were telling me all about their lives. Glen's New Jersey Mom is in denial and doesn't like Mike, has kept his teenage bedroom exactly the same, Glen's grandfather invented the Saltene cracker and famously sold the company in a poker game losing millions, Mike's parents divorced in the 60's, Mom raging alcoholic now dead, Dad remarried, now dead, did the stepmom kill him, she's on 4th husband now and collecting all the money as she goes, he lived with his Grandparents, that sort of thing........

I just love Americans....they love talking about themselves..........

Better get back and have breakfast and see what the day unfolds xxx


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