Pink Icing

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Which way.....Hemmingway

I've found it! That feeling of freedom. Well a little bit anyway. Driving on Highway 1 down through The Keys is good. Leaving the bustle of Miami behind felt sensational. I am now settled in Key West til Tuesday or Wednesday next week. Found a lovely B&B, for the US an historic building, a Victorian cigar factory. The factory itself was smal and had outhouses for the workers. Well it's all rather sumptious now and a miriad of lush plants and trees, with 4 small pools nestled in amongst it all. Will take pictures.

Now I can really relax. Will catch up tomorrow with all the stuff to date. Have to get off shortly to Mallory Square for the Sunset Celebrations, every night apparently so if I miss tonight it's okay. Pity Emma S is on holiday cos she's been here and she could tell me all the fabulous things to note and not miss.

Only fly in my ointment is all the blessed Brits that are in abundance in Florida. The guy runn9ing this Internet cafe is from Sollihull! 3 sets of Brits arrived at the Guest House just as I left, yuk. I know Florida is very tourist based but I'm thinking of trying out different accents. Might try a Cuban one, that'd set them all running.

Weather really hot, late 80's. Hope to actually sit out in it tomorrow for a while. I get the thing about humidity as well.........

Oh yeah, Natalie bought me a gorgeous PINK MP3 player and loaded it up the day before I left. Having music somewhere other than the car is a lifesaver.

Right need to find a Nail Bar, a supermarket and a

Remind me to tell you about swimming with the dolphins


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