Pink Icing

Monday, February 02, 2009


errrm, sorry. Big sorry in fact.

I am still alive. Snow bound but still alive. Snow was literally up to my knees this morning. Writing isn't going very well but on the plus side I have become an Infamous International Scrabble Champion Addict...

Do you think I can quote that as a profession.....????


  • At 5:12 am, Blogger Muhd Imran said…

    SCRABBLE is a reputable game of intelligence. Quote it away!

    I don't like freezing temperature and am so fotunate I live in the tropics... but now too much sun and no rain. Not much greenery, just... "brownery?" Is that a word I just made-up?

  • At 8:24 am, Blogger Kelly Guyer said…

    Quite excellent! I am also well known for international Scrabble, more known for being so rubbish!


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