Pink Icing

Monday, June 23, 2008

nothing really

I'm not a happy bunny still - work is completely crap and I hate, really really hate, working with gaggles of bitchy women.

On a better note I spent much of the weekend with good friends. It was indeed lovely to spend the time with them. Went to a party on Saturday night with Em and Bev. I didn't drink a drop of alcohol but imbibed a bottle of elderflower fizzy water and ate 2 Orieo cookies, 1 iced party ring biscuit, small side plate of chilli and 5 baby potatoes and 3 mini tomatoes. I got to bed at 2.45am but I had a clear head the next day, had enjoyed myself and was unfuzzy having brunch with Karen L on Sunday.

Don't get me wrong, I enjoy a wee alcohol sherbert as much as the next person, I just feel too vunerable with this thumb that still feels a tad alien........


  • At 5:31 am, Blogger Muhd Imran said…

    You should treat yourself sometime after all that gaggles you had to endure. You deserve a nice night out with close friends.

    Hope the thumb is healing well, though alien at the moment, but healing to be all yours truly again.

    Have a good week ahead!

  • At 8:46 pm, Blogger Pink Icing said…

    Imran - thank you. I have a meeting with my boss tomorrow and I am prepared to say poke the job. Thumbe getting better...I think!!


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