Pink Icing

Thursday, September 11, 2008

analytical hogwash

Hello all you lovely people......

I'm going through a few phases.

I survived puberty, married life and menopause phases....

The 'I'm down with the not having a job' phase is okay. The 'It doesn't matter if I get up at 10am' phase concerns me. Oh and a particular favourite, the 'Stay in your pj's til the afternoon' phase.

What I see creeping in is the 'What the *%^k am I going to do now' phase...................


  • At 11:51 am, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Sounds like you need the 'get ares into gear' phase. Enough of this navel gazing. You are a smart cookie and the dent in confidence should be well and truly bashed out now. Time to relaunch yourself upon the poor unsuspecting world :-)

  • At 11:52 am, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Actually that was arse not ares. Must review comment before publishing

  • At 5:28 pm, Blogger Pink Icing said…

    CJ - I can always rely on my friends to kick me up the ARSE..... Or indeed ASS if I am to return to the USA.......


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